
The Tuborg Foundation

The foundation for voluntary communities

The Tuborg Foundation was established in 1931 to mark the 40th Anniversary of The United Breweries ('De Forenede Bryggerier' in Danish). 

The Tuborg Foundation has a socially beneficial objective with a strategic focus on volunteering. The foundation supports associations, organisations and initiatives that involve and engage passionate volunteers who make a difference. 

The Tuborg Foundation works to enable civil voluntary communities to develop and revitalise themselves.

The Tuborg Foundation also supports projects that bring businesses and the public closer together. This focus is consistent with the original vision of J.C. Jacobsen, founder of the Carlsberg Group and the Carlsberg Foundation, to give back to society and thus support civil society.

All branches of society have benefited for the Tuborg Foundation, including trade and industry, art, culture, sports, education and business research. The Tuborg Foundation was merged with the Carlsberg Foundation in 1991, but continues to operate as an independent unit.

The Work of The Tuborg Foundation

With volunteering as its focus, the Tuborg Foundation supports activities within seven categories:

Music, sport, sustainability and environment, education and industry, research, dramatic art and social initiatives. 


The stated objective of the Tuborg Foundation is to promote socially beneficial projects and provide particular support for Danish industry.

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